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Support Us On Patreon

Become A Patron
If you'd like to support Uncanny Japan, you can do so by becoming a patron for as little as $2 a month.

But for $5 a month you'll get a monthly recorded Bedtime Story, which will be an obscure folktale or legend or some other unique and interesting content that I find, translate, and record. There are already dozens of stories up on past posts for you to listen to when you join. I also post the occasional recipe, binaurally recorded soundscape, or video, too.

$15 dollar a month patrons get handmade postcards on top of $5 perks.

$30 dollar a month patrons (after six months) receive a goodie envelope with snacks and stationary items and, of course, $5 extra content.

$50 dollar a month patrons get everything in lower tiers, stories, soundscapes, monthly postcard, and the goodie envelope (after six months).

You can also make a custom pledge and we can decide on what extra content you'd like to receive.

All tiers get patreon-only Discord benefits.

Patreon Benefits

Save 8% if you pay annually


You, my fat-bellied, large-testicled tricksters get:
  • Patreon-only posts
  • Occasional binaural Japanese soundscapes (spring rain, summer frogs, Kyoto Station, exciting or relaxing things like that)
  • All my thank yous!
  • Discord benefits


You, my sleek, sexy, fluffy-tailed shape shifters get:
  • Tanuki benefits (of course) plus:
  • A once-a-month Bedtime Story with a cool music bed. This can be my translations/retellings/public domain stories/or one of my own tales (published or not). They’ll be dark, weird, creepy, funny, or surreal. Listen to me in your headphones before you fall asleep. All the past Bedtimes Stories (over 35) are also there for you to listen to, too.
  • Also, as much as I’m able the binaural sounds, Behind the Scenes (Patreon only) podcasts with Tech/Sound Guy Richard, and recipes!
  • Send me your address and I’ll send you a sticker and/or button.
  • Thank you and domo domo!
  • Discord benefits


You my stinky, slimy-scaled aquatic rascals get::

  • Everything the tanuki and kitsune get (of course) plus:
  • A handmade postcard (paint, water color, brush and ink, or engraving, nothing is off the table). See photo for examples.
  • Plus Alpha: Binaural soundscapes, Richard's cooking extras, stuff like that.
  • Thank you and arigatou gozaimasu!
  • Discord benefits


⚠️ (May 2022) On top of abominable postal services these days, prices for sending packages overseas from Japan are skyrocketing starting June 1st. I'm trying to find a doable solution, see below.

You my enormous, mouth-breathing, iron-club toting brutes get:

  • Everything tanuki, and kitsune fiends get (of course) plus:
  • Surprise envelope sent after six months of being a patron. Items can be anything from sweet and/or salty treats to stationary items, or anything that strikes my fancy and I want to share.
  • Thank you and kansha shimasu!
    -(Note: No postcard for this tier)
  • Discord benefits


⚠️ (May 2022) On top of abominable postal services these days, prices for sending packages overseas from Japan are skyrocketing starting June 1st. I'm trying to find a doable solution, see below.

You my long-nosed, magical, mountain goblin gods get:

  • You get it all!
  • Binaural soundscapes, Behind the Scenes, homemade postcards, envelopes, Richard's cooking extras, all new stuff we're working on, too.
    Please note the Surprise Envelope will be a little bigger, but sent every six months of being a patron due to postal rates being nutso.
  • Thank you and hontou ni kokomo kara arigatou gozaimasu!
  • Discord benefits

About The Uncanny Japan Podcast

Speculative fiction writer, long-term resident of Japan and Bram Stoker Award finalist Thersa Matsuura explores all that is weird from old Japan—strange superstitions, folktales, cultural oddities, and interesting language quirks. These are little treasures she digs up while doing research for her writing.

© Copyright 2025 Uncanny Productions
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